
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mastering Back Pain

I've been having chronic back problems for about 10 years and never really treated them right. Last October, I tore my intervertebral ligaments, and it went down the hill from there. My discs protruded, because of the lack of movement, my vertebral stabilizer muscles got very weak and my vertebra started moving around causing more and more damage. I was basically in pain for the past 10 years and in bed for the past 6 months. It was one of the most, if not the most brutal experience in my life..

I had these conditions:
  • severely thinned S1-L5 disc
  • 2 protruded discs (S1-L5 and L5-L4)
  • Loose vertebra/anterolisthesis
  • Hypolordosis
  • An inflamed, dislocated SI-joint
  • Jammed facet joints
All doctors were saying I needed surgery. More specifically a vertebral fusion, which is an incredibly invasive, irreversible operation (your back disc is taken out (actually, it is torn out) and two vertebrae are fused together creating one huge block of fused bone), which I'm guessing will relieve the pain by about 30% for some time, but shifts the problem one floor higher in the vertebral column (and doubles the pressure on the disc that is there) and you will be back in the doctor's office again, probably talking about a new surgery.

While in bed, unable to move, constantly on painkillers, questioning absolutely everything and loosing hope, I read a lot about the conditions I had, went to several specialized doctors. When nothing was helping, with the last remains of hope, I tried to take matters into my own hands, started a 'patient's journal' where I wrote what I did each day with my own honest assessment of the pain I felt on a scale from 0 to 5. Back exercises are extremely helpful, if you find the ones that fit your specific condition. The problem is, that as helpful some exercises can be, others can be equally harmful and even the helpful ones start showing results only several days later so you actually don't know what is helping you and what isn't.

My patient's journal thus helped me see which exercises exactly were working and which weren't. I isolated those that were working, even devised my own ones and stopped doing those that weren't/ These exercises completely relieved me of my pain without any surgery, with very little or no medication and almost for free (a few dollars for an elastic rope is really nothing) in about 2 weeks.

I'm not a sales guy who's on the phone trying to sell you some strange product telling you it will magically relieve you of your problems.. it's real. The exercises just worked. Period. 10 years of back pain, 6 months in bed, everyone telling me I needed surgery and in 2 weeks I was back to normal. For many years, I wasn't able to turn in bed, because of the pain and because at one point it wasn't physically possible for me anymore, now I can run a marathon if I want to. 

I think it is terrible that people have to suffer this much from a problem that has a such a simple cure. I think it's sad that doctors send you to surgery, when there are other ways to treat your condition. I understand most of them, because it is their honest best way in which they can help you and surgery does relieve you of some of the pain for some time. On the other hand there are doctors who send patients to surgery because surgery is a huge money maker and it is not nice. 

6 months in bed, 10 years of pain, depression, emptiness and hopelessness, two weeks of exercises specifically targeted exercise and I feel better than I have in 10 years. I am not a doctor, I am not a chiropractor, I am not a specialist, but I am a guy who managed to cure himself from a condition which no doctor could cure and which is destroying the lives of millions of people around the world with only a few exercises and almost for free. I will try to share everything I know on this blog. If I help only one person to get rid of this destructive condition, I will have fulfilled my goal. No one should suffer like this. Again, this is not sales, this is just from one person to another. The pain is unbearable and no one should suffer like this.

Id you'd like to know more, please subscribe to my mailing list. I will write in detail about the conditions I had, post pictures of my MMR scans, and write posts and maybe post videos about the exercises that literally saved my life.

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